Sunday, December 29, 2019

Definition and Discussion of Middle English

Middle English was the language spoken in England from about 1100 to 1500. Five major  dialects of Middle English have been identified (Northern, East Midlands, West Midlands, Southern, and Kentish), but the research of Angus McIntosh and others... supports the claim that this period of the language was rich in dialect diversity (Barbara A. Fennell, A History of English: A Sociolinguistic Approach, 2001). Major literary works written in Middle English include Havelok the Dane,  Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,  Piers Plowman, and  Geoffrey  Chaucers Canterbury Tales. The form of Middle English thats most familiar to modern readers is the London dialect, which was the dialect of Chaucer and the basis of what would eventually become standard English. Examples and Observations Chaucers Canterbury TalesWhan that Aprill, with his shoures sooteThe droghte of March hath perced to the rooteAnd bathed every veyne in swich licour,Of which vertu engendred is the flour...[When the sweet showers of April have piercedThe drought of March, and pierced it to the rootAnd every vein is bathed in that moistureWhose quickening force will engender the flower...](Geoffrey Chaucer, General Prologue to The Canterbury Tales, late 14th century. Translation by David Wright. Oxford University Press, 2008)Many Middle EnglishesMiddle English varied enormously over time and by region; Angus McIntosh notes that there are over a thousand dialectically differentiated varieties of Middle English. Indeed,  some scholars go so far as to say that Middle English is not... a language at all but rather something of a scholarly fiction, an amalgam of forms and sounds, writers and manuscripts, famous works and little-known ephemera. This is a little extreme, but certainly prior to the later fo urteenth century Middle English was primarily a spoken rather than a written language, and did not have official administrative functions in either a secular or religious context. This has resulted in a critical tendency to place English at the bottom of the linguistic hierarchy of medieval England, with Latin and French as the dominant languages of discourse, instead of seeing the symbiotic relationship between English, French, and Latin...By the fifteenth century Middle English was extensively used in the written documentation of business, civic government, Parliament, and the royal household.(Rachel E. Moss,  Fatherhood and Its Representations in Middle English Texts. D.S. Brewer, 2013)The Vocabulary of Middle English- In 1066, William the Conqueror led the Norman invasion of England, marking the beginning of the  Middle English  period. This invasion brought a  major influence  to English from Latin and French. As is often the case with invasions, the conquerors domina ted the major political and economic life in England. While this invasion had some influence on English grammar, the most powerful impact was on vocabulary.(Evelyn Rothstein and Andrew S. Rothstein,  English Grammar Instruction That Works!  Corwin, 2009)- The core vocabulary of [Middle] English comprised the monosyllabic words for basic concepts,  bodily functions, and body parts inherited from Old English and shared with the other Germanic languages. These words include: God,  man, tin, iron, life, death, limb, nose, ear, foot, mother, father, brother, earth, sea, horse, cow, lamb.Words from French are often polysyllabic terms for the  institutions of the Conquest (church, administration, law), for things imported with the Conquest (castles, courts, prisons), and terms of high culture and social status (cuisine, fashion, literature, art, decoration).(Seth Lerer,  Inventing English: A Portable History of the Language. Columbia University Press, 2007)French Influence on M iddle English- From 1150 to 1500 the language is known as Middle English. During this period the inflections, which had begun to break down during the end of the Old English period, become greatly reduced...By making English the language mainly of uneducated people, the Norman Conquest [in 1066] made it easier for grammatical changes to go forward unchecked.French influence is much more direct and observable upon the vocabulary. Where two languages exist side by side for a long time and the relations between the people speaking them are as intimate as they were in England, a considerable transference of words from one language to the other is inevitable...When we study the French words appearing in English before 1250, roughly 900 in number, we find that many of them were such as the lower classes would become familiar with through contact with a French-speaking nobility: (baron, noble, dame, servant, messenger, feast, minstrel, juggler, largess)... In the period after 1250,... the upper classes carried over into English an astonishing number of common French words. In changing from French to English, they transferred much of their governmental and administrative vocabulary, their ecclesiastical, legal, and military terms, their familiar words of fashion, food, and social life, the vocabulary of art, learning, and medicine.(A. C. Baugh and T. Cable, A History of the English Language. Prentice-Hall, 1978)- French continued to occupy a prestigious place in English society, especially the Central French dialect spoken in Paris. This prompted an increase in the numbers of French words borrowed, especially those relating to French society and culture. As a  consequence, English words concerned with scholarship, fashion, the arts, and food--such as college, robe, verse, beef--are often drawn from French (even if their ultimate origins lie in Latin). The higher status of French in this [late Middle English] period continues to influence the associations of pairs of synonyms in Modern English, such as begin-commence, look-regard, stench-odour. In each of these pairs, the French borrowing is of a higher register than the word inherited from Old English.(Simon Horobin,  How English Became English. Oxford University Press, 2016)A Fuzzy Boundary[T]he transition from Middle to early modern English is above all the period of the elaboration of the English language. Between the late 14th and 16th centuries, the English language began increasingly to take on more functions. These changes in function had, it is argued here, a major effect on the form of English: so major, indeed, that the old distinction between Middle and modern retains considerable validity, although the boundary between these two linguistic epochs was obviously a fuzzy one.(Jeremy J. Smith, From Middle to Early Modern English. The Oxford History of English, ed. by Lynda Mugglestone. Oxford University Press, 2006)Chaucer on Changes in the Forme of SpeecheYe knowe ek that in forme o f speeche is chaungeWithinne a thousand yeer, and wordes thoThat hadden pris, now wonder nyce and straungeUs thinketh hem, and yet thei spake hem so,And spedde as wel in love as men now do;Ek for to wynnen love in sondry ages,In sondry londes, sondry ben usages.[You know also that in (the) form of speech (there) is changeWithin a thousand years, and words thenThat had value, now wonderfully curious and strange(To) us they seem, and yet they spoke them so,And succeeded as well in love as men now do;Also to win love in sundry ages,In sundry lands, (there) are many usages.](Geoffrey Chaucer, Troilus and Criseyde, late 14th century. Translation by Roger Lass in Phonology and Morphology. A History of the English Language, edited by Richard M. Hogg and David Denison. Cambridge University Press, 2008)

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Problem of Computer Crime Essay - 2368 Words

As our technology has greatly advanced over the past 50 years, our businesses, people, and its governments have been greatly affected by this new technology. With the vast capabilities of computers, the Internet, storage capability, and the manipulation of data, todays world has been changed forever. Although the benefits greatly outweigh the disadvantages, unless we take a more serious look at this new technology, more people will be hurt, from businesses, families, individuals, and most importantly, our children. Even as new technology has created more uses for its users, firewalls, password protections, and new programs to safeguard our children when viewing the Internet, our vulnerability increases with our perceived values and†¦show more content†¦This not only hurts the employees employer, but this also hurts the software company, as they lose the revenue of this lost sale. There are also individuals who make untold copies of a program and then sell this to unsuspe cting customers, just to make a quick buck. Although many software companies make new encoded copy protection system, there are many hackers who find a way to crack the code in order to make illegal copies of the software. One needs to remember that software programs are copyrighted just like a book. According to Bequai (1984), there has been much resistance in Congress to pass a bill concerning any form on of federal computer security protection acts or computer crime bill. Bequai (1984) stated that Our police agencies, whether local, state, or federal, will tell you that they are presently ill-equipped and lacking in resources to investigate and bring to prosecution criminals who employ computer technology. He also states that even the criminal justice system can not handle this new influx of computer crime while still trying to stem street crime. Approximately two dozen states at that time, have adopted or enacted their own computer crime legislation bills to have a chance to fight this new crime. This was their first step in the long battle with the many high technology crimes that have abounded. Due to the ineptness ofShow MoreRelatedComputer Ethics Awareness Among University Students Essay895 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction 1.1 Background Computers are the core technology of our times and apparently, the most important technology to be invented and used by man . Without computers and computer networks, especially, the Internet, activities of most organizations, such as banks, schools, government agencies would simply grind to a halt. Modern societys dependence on the use of information technology, make it more vulnerable to computer malfunction caused by unreliable software and to computer misuse (Forrester andRead MoreEssay on CyberCrime1739 Words   |  7 Pagespeople around the world use computers and the internet everyday. 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I also like to watch documentaries and a television show on cybercrime scene investigations. Analyzing articles on this topic will help me develop further knowledge on this topic and how it is considered a social problem in our society. Computer crime refers to any violationRead MoreStudy on Cybercrime1886 Words   |  7 PagesEmployee computer crime Introduction Computer crime is referred to, in many cases, as an insider job, as the majority of such acts are performed by employees, taking into account that the fact that they have access to data makes it easier for them to perform crimes. Many employers express little interest in who in their companies has access to data and to restrictions being placed on computers within the company. Instead, they are inclined to focus on designing systems that would mainly preventRead More Computer Crime Essay1055 Words   |  5 Pagesof the twenty-first century--the computer crime offender. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Big Issue †Interview Free Essays

How has Big Issue evolved over the years and has It been able to stay true to its Orlando/core values? Franchise Idea 0 less rigor; social entrepreneurs go around the world Message has gone out self help / working with people In the margin Core values have been consistent throughout the years 2. How did you come to be involved in Big Issue? Were you recruited or did you seek it out? Curious to understand the organizational fit. Recruited Brought considerable experience in the commercial area 0 capable of expanding businesses Stephen brought strategy and focus to a very commercial chancy proposition Walk the talk / communicate core values and principles 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Big Issue – Interview or any similar topic only for you Order Now Does a charity like yours actively think about a AS analysis, like any other corporation? Running a charity is the same as running a business Charities need an operational framework in order to evolve and deliver objectives However, they are not always In control of all elements of the AS as It Is a lively organization totally reliant on the success of the people 4. How much of the current structure is a direct result of the AS actions that your management team has taken? It Is However, some elements are not a direct result of the AS In order to get money from trusts, the environment dictates that you need to evidence what you have done There are requirements of the world that often override an Internal AS framework 5. Are you happy with the current structure and how would you like to see Big Issue’s AS evolve? Need some people on the ground as they are currently understaffed 6. Strategy: What is Big Issue trying to achieve? Medal brand (education) Brokerage strategy Make a meaningful impact on the lives of people who are socially and financially excluded Solution C] for what is going on in society 7. Skills / Style / Staffing: What are your selection criteria for vendors? Skills: Big Issue: IT, HER, infrastructure, journalists, write, advertise C] enterprise Vendors: focused Style: Belief in the mission 0 unifying Shared belief in what we are here to do Tough parent / caring / listening 0 stick with standards Realism and good customer service Staffing: Big Issue: 75 people Ruinations / IT / HER); charity (25) Vendor population of 2,000 (need 30 people @ less than ?ask a year to help manage he vendors) Struggle to get support 0 efficient model 0 need more people on the ground 8. Systems / Structure: How you do you support Big Issue vendors? They have a badge process, which is time limited and requires vendors to check in regularly At every check point, a new badge is issued to the vendor This facilitates performance managing 9. Shared Values: How would you describe the vendor community Vendor community: code of conduct; see value of the choice they make to change 0 this can unify However, there is no defined agenda; not faith based; prepared to put something in How to cite Big Issue – Interview, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Benefits of Synchronous & Asynchronous Communication-Free-Samples

Question: Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of synchronous and asynchronous communication, and develop recommendations on how to use both synchronous and asynchronous communication tools, to not only be productive, but to maintain positive working relationships. Answer: To ABC Subject: The benefits and challenges of synchronous and asynchronous communication and the benefits of virtual teams The memo focuses on the benefits and challenges that have been faced by companies that use synchronous and asynchronous communication mode. Apart from this, the benefits of working as a virtual team are also discussed in the memo. Advantages of synchronous communication One of the biggest advantages that can be derived from synchronous communication is the fact that designing the software for communication is easier. This is an important factor for every company as the easier mode of designing the communication technology can help in less complexity of the material. The fact that the arrangements of communication between two servers can be easily conducted provides a huge advantage for the organisations. Another advantage of the synchronous communication is the fact that the results of the transmission can be communicated very quickly without much difficulty. According to Merayo, Hierons and Nez (2017), the quickness of the results can help in reducing the number of errors that may occur in the servers. Abdoli, Ma and Jia (2016) are of the opinion that this is mainly because of the fact that the two servers can be used to provide simple messages from one server to another. Disadvantages of synchronous communication After having analysed the advantages, it can be said that the disadvantages of synchronous communication can be that it creates huge negativity for the people using this method. One such disadvantage is the fact that the communication process results in a delay of responses. This is mainly because the services are not always well maintained by the users. Proper maintenance is needed in order to ensure that the services respond quickly in every manner. Every error that the service produces may have a huge impact on the communication process. Yamagata-Lynch (2014) stated that information might also be misinterpreted due to the heavy blockage of signals. This is a huge disadvantage for the users as the information are important for the purpose of the business. Hence, it is important to ensure that the information is not blocked in any manner. Apart from this, the servers also require the assistance of connection-oriented protocol. Thus, it can be said that due to a major cash flow of th e company, the use of synchronous communication can be discarded. Advantages of asynchronous communication Asynchronous communication makes formal requests that can be used for specific parts of a server. This is a huge advantage as the servers can be available upon the request from the computers (Giesbers et al. 2014). This can be an effective mode of communication as the companies can maintain proper communication with the different branches. The use of computers as a sole communicating model can be increased with the positive effects generated from asynchronous communication. Apart from this, the use of asynchronous communication can help in the smooth transmission of messages. This is an important aspect for every online user, as the transmission of messages has to be done without any blockage. The fact that the use of such a mode communication provides for such an advantage is essential for companies. The use of wireless protocols helps in achieving such a smooth service. Cummings and Dennis (2016) stated that the signals of transmission need to be clear as the information that is tr ansferred via the networks are often important. The use of wireless protocols can prevent hackers from gaining knowledge about important information that is transferred. Disadvantages of asynchronous communication However, despite the advantages, asynchronous communication has certain disadvantages as well. The response time that is needed for the transmission of messages is mostly unpredictable. This signifies that the networks can be disrupted on a consistent basis. The unpredictable response time is mainly caused due to improper services and the cause of natural factors. The delay in information can cause huge loss for a company as the information may contain vital things for a company. The complex manner in which the problems are handled is also an important disadvantage for the communication purpose. According to Abdoli, Ma and Jia (2016), the rectification of errors takes a lot of time as due to the complex manner in which the systems are developed. Hence, this becomes an important factor for the organisations. Apart from this, another disadvantage of the asynchronous communication is the fact that the designing of the communication system is complex and difficult. The designing of the c ommunication system is done keeping in mind the nature of the safety that is provided by the communication system (Cummings and Dennis, 2016). Benefits of working as a virtual team Teamwork is essential in order to maintain the trust between the members. In the modern world, a virtual team is a new form of team building concept that helps in developing modern business. In the words of Hoch and Kozlowski (2014), virtual teams are an innovative mode of maintaining individuals in a team. Every company can afford to invest in these teams as these teams have a low maintenance cost. These teams provide external as well as internal support for the companies so that the business can be improved. For example, in the case of a vacancy in any post, the employees of the virtual team can be asked to fulfil the vacancy. The other advantage is the fact that the employees involved in these teams are needed to be paid less than other employees of the organisations are. This is because the overhead costs of these products are less as compared to travelling is not by the employees of these companies. Thus, due to the reasons mentioned the existence of virtual teams can help in th e growth of the companies. Recommendation In order to succeed the business organisation need to ensure that they maintain a virtual team. This can help the organisation to reduce any overhead costs that may be needed for business. They can adopt the use of synchronous communication due to its simple nature of transmission of messages. References Abdoli, J., Ma, J. and Jia, M. 2016.System and Method for Guard Band Utilization for Synchronous and Asynchronous Communications. U.S. Patent Application 15/146,735. Cummings, J., and Dennis, A. 2016. Enterprise Social Networking Sites and Knowledge Sharing Intentions in Virtual Teams. Giesbers, B., Rienties, B., Tempelaar, D., and Gijselaers, W. 2014. A dynamic analysis of the interplay between asynchronous and synchronous communication in online learning: The impact of motivation.Journal of Computer Assisted Learning,30(1), 30-50. Hoch, J. E., and Kozlowski, S. W. 2014. Leading virtual teams: Hierarchical leadership, structural supports, and shared team leadership.Journal of applied psychology,99(3), 390. Merayo, M.G., Hierons, R.M. and Nez, M., 2017. Passive testing with asynchronous communications and timestamps.Distributed Computing, pp.1-16. Yamagata-Lynch, L. C. 2014. Blending online asynchronous and synchronous learning.The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning,15(2).